Terms of Service for student
  1. Payment
    As soon as a tutor accepts your request, you are expected to finalize payment within 24 hrs. Failure to do so means NextGen won’t be able to guarantee the same tutor.
  2. Siblings
    A sibling can join a session provided that s/he is in the same category (KG, first cycle primary, second cycle primary, secondary or Preparatory) as the child to whom the service is requested. In such instances no additional payment is required. However, if the sibling is not in the same category or it is more than one sibling, a separate bookings needs to be made.
  3. Set up
    Parents should prepare a proper study area, free from noise and other distractions. We recommend that sessions take place under adult supervision. Our tutors can wait a maximum of 20 minutes from the agreed start time in rare cases where children are not ready. If session starts more than 20 minutes later, the tutor has the right to finish the session at the originally agreed time and charge for the whole session.
  4. Confirmation of service delivery
    Parents have the responsibility to ensure that the QR code is available for scanning at the end of each session as a way of confirmation of service delivery. If the QR code is not scanned for any reason, the system will automatically assume that service has successfully been delivered and deduct payment from the available balance. If the tutor is absent, it is your responsibility to inform the office before the system automatically deducts from your balance.
  5. Cancellation and tardiness
    You can cancel or postpone a session 24 hours in advance at no cost. However, cancellations or postponements less than 24 hours will result in full charge for the planned sessions.
  6. Treatment of tutors
    No meals should be served during sessions. We expect that all our tutors will be accorded a professional treatment. Any mistreatment of tutors in any form by any member of the family won’t be tolerated and may result in the parent/child being suspended from service. Parents can report any concerns or misconduct on the part of the tutor to the office.
  7. Dressing code
    Children should dress up in decency for their tutorial. A tutor has the right to ask a child to dress up properly or cancel a session.
  8. Liability
    NextGen tutors are screened for their competence and character. However, NextGen cannot be liable for any underperformance, damage or loss caused by its tutors. In no event shall the aggregate liability of NextGen exceed the amount you paid for a session. NextGen will strive to find a suitable replacement if you ask for it.
  9. Dealing with a parent/child outside of the system
    All dealings with a tutor should be done through NextGen. This includes schedule arrangement, additional bookings, payment, etc. If a parent deals with a tutor without the knowledge of the company, NextGen won’t take any responsibility whatsoever. Parents and tutors found doing this will be barred from using NextGen Tutorial Services.